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A person standing on a railing with a city in the background

Chapman University

Seville, Spain

Spring 2023

Sarah Everett, Alumni Ambassador

Alumni Ambassadors

what's one story or important aspect you always tell people about your time abroad?
Some of my most transformative moments were from aimlessly exploring Sevilla by myself. Doing so led to stepping outside my comfort zone and connect with locals more than if I was in a group. On one particular day at an art market, I made a point of having a conversation with one of the vendors, which is still a memorable conversation.

how did you engage with the local community while abroad?
In Sevilla, there were multiple opportunities to engage in the local culture - particularly during the spring semester. I was especially appreciative to take the opportunity to attend Feria de Abril - a weeklong festival where people dress up in elaborate flamenco dresses with dancing, music, drinking, and eating. Another aspect of the local community that I could experience more regularly was through my International Service Learning course, where I volunteered at a local soup kitchen that was only about a ten to fifteen-minute walk from my Casa de Sevilla. I have remained in contact with one of the locals I met while volunteering, which makes me so grateful.


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